Submissions to the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment 2015

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Submissions to the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment 2015
As you may be aware, on Wednesday 16 September 2015, Katter’s Australian Party introduced a Bill into the Queensland Parliament entitled “Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment 2015”.
The Bill seeks to strengthen enforcement for providers of illegal taxi services as it is clear that the current financial penalties are no longer sufficient in deterring the increase of illegal taxi services in Queensland.
While illegal taxi services have always existed in Queensland in recent times there has been exponential growth in such services led by a disturbing disregard for the basic rule of law.
Taxi Council Queensland (“TCQ”) strongly supports this Bill and encourages all Members and other interested parties to voice their support by making a submission to the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee who are inquiring into the Bill.
The attached letter is an invitation from the Chair of the Committee seeking written submissions from interested parties.
The committee will consider the policy to be given effect by the Bill and Its application of fundamental legislative principles. The committee is required to report to Parliament by Wednesday 16 March 2016.
The objective of the Bill is to increase certain penalties in the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport)Act 1994 to deter illegal taxi operators. The Bill proposes to do this by providing for the recording of demerit points against the traffic history of a person who provides a taxi service without a taxi service licence or a peak demand taxi permit.
Submissions close at 4.00pm on Thursday 22 October 2015
Guidelines for making a submission, the Bill and its Explanatory Notes are available on the committee’s website:
Submissions can be sent via email or post:
Email: IPNRC@pariiament.ald-gov-au
Post: Parliament House
George Street
Brisbane Qld 4000
Once again, TCQ strongly supports this Bill and encourages Members and other interested parties to voice their support by making a submission. It is only through sheer volume of support for the necessity of these measures can the voices of those in our community who believe in the rule of law and the protection of the rights of small business can be heard.

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