Submissions to the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment 2015

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Submissions to the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment 2015
As you may be aware, on Wednesday 16 September 2015, Katter’s Australian Party introduced a Bill into the Queensland Parliament entitled “Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment 2015”.
The Bill seeks to strengthen enforcement for providers of illegal taxi services as it is clear that the current financial penalties are no longer sufficient in deterring the increase of illegal taxi services in Queensland.
While illegal taxi services have always existed in Queensland in recent times there has been exponential growth in such services led by a disturbing disregard for the basic rule of law.
Taxi Council Queensland (“TCQ”) strongly supports this Bill and encourages all Members and other interested parties to voice their support by making a submission to the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee who are inquiring into the Bill.
The attached letter is an invitation from the Chair of the Committee seeking written submissions from interested parties.
The committee will consider the policy to be given effect by the Bill and Its application of fundamental legislative principles. The committee is required to report to Parliament by Wednesday 16 March 2016.
The objective of the Bill is to increase certain penalties in the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport)Act 1994 to deter illegal taxi operators. The Bill proposes to do this by providing for the recording of demerit points against the traffic history of a person who provides a taxi service without a taxi service licence or a peak demand taxi permit.
Submissions close at 4.00pm on Thursday 22 October 2015
Guidelines for making a submission, the Bill and its Explanatory Notes are available on the committee’s website:
Submissions can be sent via email or post:
Email: IPNRC@pariiament.ald-gov-au
Post: Parliament House
George Street
Brisbane Qld 4000
Once again, TCQ strongly supports this Bill and encourages Members and other interested parties to voice their support by making a submission. It is only through sheer volume of support for the necessity of these measures can the voices of those in our community who believe in the rule of law and the protection of the rights of small business can be heard.

Illegal Taxis Bill Introduced by Katter Party MPs

Illegal Taxis Bill Introduced by Katter Party MPs click here

Memo to Black & White Cabs Licence Owners, Operators and Drivers

KAP signals end of the road for illegal taxis

“It’s the end of the free ride,” said KAP Member for Mt Isa Rob Katter, the first in Australia to table legislation against the ever growing illegal taxi industry.

During this Sitting Week, Mr Katter and Member for Dalrymple Shane Knuth intend to introduce the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment Bill 2015 which will provide harsher penalties for those caught operating illegal taxi services.

“Since these services have been in operation they have been fined over $1.7 million, yet these illegal organisations continue,” Mr Katter said.

“These are multinational companies with deep pockets who are paying the fines for their drivers and side stepping our tax system – no-one should be above the law.”

“We simply hope to uphold Queensland’s law and transport regulation system for those who have done the right thing,” he said.

It is proposed a penalty of 3 demerit points will be applied for the first offence and a penalty of 6 demerit points for every offence after.

Mr Katter said the introduction of this legislation was important for the small business owners and the safety of Queenslanders.

“Our taxi drivers are small business owners and hard workers who have followed each and every one of the regulations that have been set out by the state government,” Mr Katter said.

“These measures are put in place to ensure safety and access for all; the other services don’t offer that yet take the cream from the top.

“The industry is staring down the barrel of a multinational monopoly – I will not see another industry slaughtered by deregulation,” he said.

Mr Katter also highlighted the contribution of $90 million in GST revenue the industry makes to the Commonwealth yearly.

“If we do nothing, this is money that will eventually be taken offshore instead of flowing back into the services we need,” Mr Katter said.

Member for Dalrymple Mr Knuth said it was important this bill was introduced to push the Government to act before small regional operations were decimated.

“The taxi industry is legally required to have a capped rate of charge no matter the demand, and offer services to some of the most vulnerable in our community,” Mr Knuth said.

“In many small towns the taxi service is the only form of transport available for those in wheelchairs; these illegal taxi services do not offer that.”

Under the Community Service Obligations (CSO), taxis transport over 1 million wheel chair bound individuals per annum at no extra cost, which are cross subsidised with profitable routes.

Taxis also offer transport to approximately 250,000 Department of Veterans Affairs passengers (DVA’s). This service is funded by the Commonwealth (Taxi Council Queensland).

“Sure, these illegal services are shiny and new but what they are really doing is making it harder to provide transport to those in need,” Mr Knuth said.

Illegal Taxis Protest

There is a protest planned for this Wednesday outside Parliament commencing at 12:00pm. Representatives from Taxi Council and the taxi companies will be there. The Katter Party has also given its support to the protest and has offered to send along a representative.

The organisers are trying to rally together as many owners, operators, drivers, families, friends and supporters as they can. This will be a peaceful protest. It will not be a strike – they are urging drivers that are rostered on to continue to service passengers.

Illegal Taxis

As you may be aware, Taxi Council Queensland (“TCQ”) is currently running a petition seeking a swift response from Parliament to address the ongoing issue of widespread illegal taxi services being conducted in Queensland.

To date the response has seen over 2,800 signatures collected, but there is more to be done before presenting the petition to the Legislative Assembly.

Therefore, the close date for the petition has been changed to Monday 31 August 2015.

Illegal taxis petition (click here)

Please send original copies of all signed petitions to:

Chief Executive Officer
Taxi Council Queensland
8/96 Cleveland Street
Stones Corner Qld 4120

or drop them into the taxi office.

Your ongoing assistance with progressing this important issue is much appreciated.

**Amendment** Your assistance and action will make a difference

Dear all


Illegal_taxis_petition_V2 (click here)

The final paragraph of the previous petition referred to an amendment to the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 to empower the Queensland Police Service to carry out enforcement activities. I have now been advised that it should refer to the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000.

In order to ensure that we are petitioning for the exact actions that we are seeking to achieve, please replace the previous petition with this one.

Unfortunately all signatures collected to date will need to be sought again.

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience and frustration that I understand this will cause however I do not want to be placed in a position whereby the petition is accepted but cannot be acted upon because the wrong Act of Parliament was cited.

Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

Given the time already lost, please note the revised close date for signatures as Friday 10 July 2015.

Please return completed sheets to:

Chief Executive Officer
Taxi Council Queensland
PO Box 290
Stones Corner Qld 4120